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Layered security solutions properly designed and implemented. Today's modern security stack needs to be more than a firewall and antivirus.


CyberCloak.Tech's curated security stack let's you have a consolidated focus to protect your office. 



 Starting Office Protection Plan

  • Antivirus & Anti Malware

  • Managed Endpoint, Detection and Response

  • DNS Filtering

  • Password Management

Managed Endpoint Detection and Response

Fill the gaps in your security stack today.

Office Protection Plan

Get started today! $149.99 Monthly for an office of up to 10 employees.*

Additional Layers

Live patch management, Security Awareness Training, Risk Assessments.

Customized Solutions

A complete program to fit your specific needs like HIPAA, NIST or SOC.

Call or Email Today 

To operate in the modern era you need to enable CyberCloak.Tech's modern Security Stack today. 


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